
Used by
Included schema WaterHeatingSystem.xsd
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: unqualified
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / Name
Namespace No namespace
This is simply a descriptive name, typically a common name used for the system.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>This is simply a descriptive name, typically a common name used for the system.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / Description
Namespace No namespace
Place for user to include additional notes/description of the system.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="Description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Place for user to include additional notes/description of the system.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / Fuel
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EnergyClassEnumType
Type EnergyClassEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration Coal (anthracite)
enumeration Coal (bituminous)
enumeration Coke
enumeration Diesel
enumeration District Chilled Water
enumeration District Hot Water
enumeration District Steam
enumeration Electricity
enumeration Fuel Oil (No. 1)
Number 1 is similar to kerosene and is the fraction that boils off right after gasoline.
enumeration Fuel Oil (No. 2)
enumeration Fuel Oil (No. 4)
Number 4 fuel oil is usually a blend of distillate and residual fuel oils, such as No. 2 and 6; however, sometimes it is just a heavy distillate. No. 4 may be classified as diesel, distillate or residual fuel oil.
enumeration Fuel Oil (No. 5 and No. 6)
Number 5 fuel oil and Number 6 fuel oil are called residual fuel oils (RFO) or heavy fuel oils. More Number 6 oil is produced compared to Number 5 oil, the terms heavy fuel oil and residual fuel oil  are sometimes used as names for Number 6. Number 5 and 6 are what remains of the crude oil after gasoline and the distillate fuel oils are extracted through distillation. Number 5 fuel oil is a mixture of 75-80 % Number 6 oil and 25-20% of Number 2 oil. Number 6 oil may also contain a small amount of No. 2 to get it to meet specifications.
enumeration Geothermal
enumeration Kerosene
enumeration Liquid Propane
enumeration Natural Gas
enumeration Other
enumeration Propane
enumeration Steam
enumeration Wood
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fuel" type="EnergyClassEnumType"/>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / HeatingMethod
Namespace No namespace
Describe here what method is used to heat the water.
Electric Resistance
Fuel - Condensing
Fuel - Non-Condensing
Heat Pump – Air Source
Heat Pump – Water Source
Heat Exchanger

Note, that some of the examples above require additional objects to be defined. For example:

- If the heating type is Heat Exchanger, a reference to a distribution system that is the heat source is needed.

- If solar, then additional details regarding the solar heating system are needed. This may simply be a reference to the distribution system that transfers heat from the solar panels to the water heating system. It may be an instance of Equipment Properties.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="HeatingMethod" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Describe here what method is used to heat the water. Examples: Electric Resistance Fuel - Condensing Fuel - Non-Condensing Heat Pump – Air Source Heat Pump – Water Source Hybrid Heat Exchanger Solar Note, that some of the examples above require additional objects to be defined. For example: - If the heating type is Heat Exchanger, a reference to a distribution system that is the heat source is needed. - If solar, then additional details regarding the solar heating system are needed. This may simply be a reference to the distribution system that transfers heat from the solar panels to the water heating system. It may be an instance of Equipment Properties.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / TankVolume
Namespace No namespace
This element indicates the volume of water that the tank associated with the water-heating system can hold. If there is no tank, then this should have the value zero. Water heating systems wtih zero volume (no) tanks are commonly referred to as:
- tankless
- direct 
- instantaneous
- boiler (typical in a large facility; used for space heating)

Note that a hot water tank is not necessarily and does not have to be integrated with the water heating equipment. The water heater and the storage tank may be separate entities.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#VolumeType_Unit Common_xsd.tmp#VolumeType_UnitDesc Common_xsd.tmp#VolumeType
Type VolumeType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Unit VolumeUnitEnumType optional
Unit of measurement.
UnitDesc xs:string optional
Unit of measurement specified as a string This should be used for defining the type value's units if the proper enum is not listed in Unit. These are all optional attributes in order to allow for a simplified value descriptions since these are used throughout the IEP schemas. Additionally the UnitDesc may contain a default type.
<xs:element name="TankVolume" type="VolumeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>This element indicates the volume of water that the tank associated with the water-heating system can hold. If there is no tank, then this should have the value zero. Water heating systems wtih zero volume (no) tanks are commonly referred to as: - tankless - direct - instantaneous - boiler (typical in a large facility; used for space heating) Note that a hot water tank is not necessarily and does not have to be integrated with the water heating equipment. The water heater and the storage tank may be separate entities.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / TankInsulation
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Building_xsd.tmp#InsulationType_Description Building_xsd.tmp#InsulationType_R-Value Building_xsd.tmp#InsulationType_Emissivity Building_xsd.tmp#InsulationType_CoverageFraction Building_xsd.tmp#InsulationType
Type InsulationType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Description{0,1} , R-Value{0,1} , Emissivity{0,1} , CoverageFraction{0,1}
Children CoverageFraction, Description, Emissivity, R-Value
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TankInsulation" type="InsulationType"/>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / RefDistributionSystemHeatSource
Namespace No namespace
This is an optional reference to the distribution system, which is the source of heat.

This is particularly relevant if the heating method is a heat exchanger. For example, a facility may use hot water at multiple temperatures. One boiler may heat water to 180 degF to use for space heating. A heat exchanger may be used to extract heat from the 180degF water loop and heat another water loop to only 120 degF to be used as domestic hot water.

Another use case is when multiple water heaters are used in series. The first heaters may heat water to 130 degF for one purpose, such as domestic hot water. Another heater may boost the water to a higher temperature for another use such as laundry or dish washing.

Multiple hot water loops are often advantageous when the end uses are very far apart. The less distance that the hotter water has to travel, the less heat that will lost through the piping into the environment. It is then advantageous to boost the water temperature nearby the end use.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="RefDistributionSystemHeatSource" type="xs:IDREF">
    <xs:documentation>This is an optional reference to the distribution system, which is the source of heat. This is particularly relevant if the heating method is a heat exchanger. For example, a facility may use hot water at multiple temperatures. One boiler may heat water to 180 degF to use for space heating. A heat exchanger may be used to extract heat from the 180degF water loop and heat another water loop to only 120 degF to be used as domestic hot water. Another use case is when multiple water heaters are used in series. The first heaters may heat water to 130 degF for one purpose, such as domestic hot water. Another heater may boost the water to a higher temperature for another use such as laundry or dish washing. Multiple hot water loops are often advantageous when the end uses are very far apart. The less distance that the hotter water has to travel, the less heat that will lost through the piping into the environment. It is then advantageous to boost the water temperature nearby the end use.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / SystemProperties
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_Description CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_AnnualOperatingHours CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_DesignEfficiency CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_DesignInput CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_DesignOutput CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_EnergyConsumption CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_MaxInput CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_OperatingSchedule CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_RefZoneLocationID CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType_RefRevenueMeterID CommonSystemProperties_xsd.tmp#CommonSystemPropertiesType
Type CommonSystemPropertiesType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model Description{0,1} , AnnualOperatingHours{0,1} , DesignEfficiency{0,1} , DesignInput{0,1} , DesignOutput{0,1} , EnergyConsumption{0,1} , MaxInput{0,1} , OperatingSchedule* , RefZoneLocationID{0,1} , RefRevenueMeterID{0,1}
Children AnnualOperatingHours, Description, DesignEfficiency, DesignInput, DesignOutput, EnergyConsumption, MaxInput, OperatingSchedule, RefRevenueMeterID, RefZoneLocationID
  <DesignEfficiency TestCondition="" Unit="" UnitDesc="">{0,1}</DesignEfficiency>
  <DesignInput Fuel="Electricity" FuelDesc="Electricity" TestCondition="" Unit="" UnitDesc="kwh">{0,1}</DesignInput>
  <DesignOutput Fuel="Electricity" FuelDesc="Electricity" TestCondition="" Unit="" UnitDesc="kwh">{0,1}</DesignOutput>
  <EnergyConsumption PeriodStart="" PeriodUnits="" RevenueMeterIdRef="">{0,1}</EnergyConsumption>
  <MaxInput Fuel="Electricity" FuelDesc="Electricity" TestCondition="" Unit="" UnitDesc="kwh">{0,1}</MaxInput>
<xs:element name="SystemProperties" type="CommonSystemPropertiesType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType
Type EquipmentDefinitionType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1}
Children Depth, Description, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
<WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition" type="EquipmentDefinitionType"/>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / WaterHeatingEquipment
Namespace No namespace
User may define any number of components of the system. 

Solar Water Heater:
If the water-heating system is the solar type, it may be useful to describe the properties of the solar system with an instance of this object.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType
Type EquipmentInstanceType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
nillable: false
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1}
Children Condition, DateManufactured, LastServiced, Location, Name, SerialNumber, UsefulLife
<WaterHeatingEquipment EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="WaterHeatingEquipment" nillable="false" type="EquipmentInstanceType">
    <xs:documentation>User may define any number of components of the system. Solar Water Heater: If the water-heating system is the solar type, it may be useful to describe the properties of the solar system with an instance of this object.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / RefDeliverySystem
Namespace No namespace
This is an optional reference to the distribution system that is used to deliver/transport the heated water to end uses.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="RefDeliverySystem" type="xs:IDREF">
    <xs:documentation>This is an optional reference to the distribution system that is used to deliver/transport the heated water to end uses.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / WaterHeatingCapacity
Namespace No namespace
The heating capacity of the system in terms of water flow rate and water temperature rise across the system. Several are allowed because it is not uncommon for manufacturers to specify the temperature rise at various flow rates.
Diagram WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingCapacityType_RatedTemperatureRise WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingCapacityType_RatedFlowRate WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingCapacityType
Type WaterHeatingCapacityType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model RatedTemperatureRise , RatedFlowRate
Children RatedFlowRate, RatedTemperatureRise
  <RatedTemperatureRise Unit="">{1,1}</RatedTemperatureRise>
  <RatedFlowRate Unit="">{1,1}</RatedFlowRate>
<xs:element name="WaterHeatingCapacity" type="WaterHeatingCapacityType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The heating capacity of the system in terms of water flow rate and water temperature rise across the system. Several are allowed because it is not uncommon for manufacturers to specify the temperature rise at various flow rates.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingCapacityType / RatedTemperatureRise
Namespace No namespace
The change in temperature of the water between the inlet and outlet of the water heating system when it is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate).

This Rated Temperature Rise corresponds to the Rated Flow Rate.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#TemperatureType_Unit Common_xsd.tmp#TemperatureType
Type TemperatureType
content: complex
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Unit TemperatureUnitEnumType optional
Unit of measurement.
<xs:element name="RatedTemperatureRise" type="TemperatureType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The change in temperature of the water between the inlet and outlet of the water heating system when it is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate). This Rated Temperature Rise corresponds to the Rated Flow Rate.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingCapacityType / RatedFlowRate
Namespace No namespace
The flow rate through the water heating system that corresponds to the Rated Temperature Rise when the system is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate).
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#FlowType_Unit Common_xsd.tmp#FlowType
Type FlowType
content: complex
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: 1
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Unit FlowUnitEnumType optional
Unit of measurement.
<xs:element name="RatedFlowRate" type="FlowType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The flow rate through the water heating system that corresponds to the Rated Temperature Rise when the system is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate).</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / Quantity
Namespace No namespace
The quantity of this system that exists.
Type restriction of xs:int
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
minInclusive 0
<xs:element name="Quantity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The quantity of this system that exists.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
Element WaterHeatingSystemType / SetpointSchedule
Namespace No namespace
The temperature setpoint schedule. This may be constant.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="SetpointSchedule" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The temperature setpoint schedule. This may be constant.</xs:documentation>
Element WaterHeatingSystem
This system describes the properties of a water heating system. This object contains system properties as well as equipment properties.
Diagram WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_id WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Name WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Description WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Fuel WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_HeatingMethod WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_TankVolume WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_TankInsulation WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_RefDistributionSystemHeatSource WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_SystemProperties WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingEquipment WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_RefDeliverySystem WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingCapacity WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Quantity WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_SetpointSchedule WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType
Type WaterHeatingSystemType
content: complex
Model Name{0,1} , Description{0,1} , Fuel{0,1} , HeatingMethod{0,1} , TankVolume{0,1} , TankInsulation{0,1} , RefDistributionSystemHeatSource{0,1} , SystemProperties{0,1} , WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition* , WaterHeatingEquipment* , RefDeliverySystem{0,1} , WaterHeatingCapacity* , Quantity{0,1} , SetpointSchedule{0,1}
Children Description, Fuel, HeatingMethod, Name, Quantity, RefDeliverySystem, RefDistributionSystemHeatSource, SetpointSchedule, SystemProperties, TankInsulation, TankVolume, WaterHeatingCapacity, WaterHeatingEquipment, WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition
<WaterHeatingSystem id="" xmlns="">
  <TankVolume Unit="" UnitDesc="">{0,1}</TankVolume>
  <WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition Id="">{0,unbounded}</WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition>
  <WaterHeatingEquipment EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{0,unbounded}</WaterHeatingEquipment>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:ID optional
<xs:element name="WaterHeatingSystem" type="WaterHeatingSystemType">
    <xs:documentation>This system describes the properties of a water heating system. This object contains system properties as well as equipment properties.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type WaterHeatingSystemType
This system describes a generic system used for heating water.  The end use may be HVAC, domestic or another.

Attributes from Title24 WaterHeating
Diagram WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_id WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Name WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Description WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Fuel WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_HeatingMethod WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_TankVolume WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_TankInsulation WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_RefDistributionSystemHeatSource WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_SystemProperties WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingEquipment WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_RefDeliverySystem WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_WaterHeatingCapacity WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_Quantity WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingSystemType_SetpointSchedule
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , Description{0,1} , Fuel{0,1} , HeatingMethod{0,1} , TankVolume{0,1} , TankInsulation{0,1} , RefDistributionSystemHeatSource{0,1} , SystemProperties{0,1} , WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition* , WaterHeatingEquipment* , RefDeliverySystem{0,1} , WaterHeatingCapacity* , Quantity{0,1} , SetpointSchedule{0,1}
Children Description, Fuel, HeatingMethod, Name, Quantity, RefDeliverySystem, RefDistributionSystemHeatSource, SetpointSchedule, SystemProperties, TankInsulation, TankVolume, WaterHeatingCapacity, WaterHeatingEquipment, WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
id xs:ID optional
<xs:complexType name="WaterHeatingSystemType">
    <xs:documentation>This system describes a generic system used for heating water. The end use may be HVAC, domestic or another. Attributes from Title24 WaterHeating</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>This is simply a descriptive name, typically a common name used for the system.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>Place for user to include additional notes/description of the system.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fuel" type="EnergyClassEnumType"/>
    <xs:element name="HeatingMethod" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>Describe here what method is used to heat the water. Examples: Electric Resistance Fuel - Condensing Fuel - Non-Condensing Heat Pump – Air Source Heat Pump – Water Source Hybrid Heat Exchanger Solar Note, that some of the examples above require additional objects to be defined. For example: - If the heating type is Heat Exchanger, a reference to a distribution system that is the heat source is needed. - If solar, then additional details regarding the solar heating system are needed. This may simply be a reference to the distribution system that transfers heat from the solar panels to the water heating system. It may be an instance of Equipment Properties.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="TankVolume" type="VolumeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>This element indicates the volume of water that the tank associated with the water-heating system can hold. If there is no tank, then this should have the value zero. Water heating systems wtih zero volume (no) tanks are commonly referred to as: - tankless - direct - instantaneous - boiler (typical in a large facility; used for space heating) Note that a hot water tank is not necessarily and does not have to be integrated with the water heating equipment. The water heater and the storage tank may be separate entities.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TankInsulation" type="InsulationType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="RefDistributionSystemHeatSource" type="xs:IDREF">
        <xs:documentation>This is an optional reference to the distribution system, which is the source of heat. This is particularly relevant if the heating method is a heat exchanger. For example, a facility may use hot water at multiple temperatures. One boiler may heat water to 180 degF to use for space heating. A heat exchanger may be used to extract heat from the 180degF water loop and heat another water loop to only 120 degF to be used as domestic hot water. Another use case is when multiple water heaters are used in series. The first heaters may heat water to 130 degF for one purpose, such as domestic hot water. Another heater may boost the water to a higher temperature for another use such as laundry or dish washing. Multiple hot water loops are often advantageous when the end uses are very far apart. The less distance that the hotter water has to travel, the less heat that will lost through the piping into the environment. It is then advantageous to boost the water temperature nearby the end use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="SystemProperties" type="CommonSystemPropertiesType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="WaterHeatingEquipmentDefinition" type="EquipmentDefinitionType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="WaterHeatingEquipment" nillable="false" type="EquipmentInstanceType">
        <xs:documentation>User may define any number of components of the system. Solar Water Heater: If the water-heating system is the solar type, it may be useful to describe the properties of the solar system with an instance of this object.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="RefDeliverySystem" type="xs:IDREF">
        <xs:documentation>This is an optional reference to the distribution system that is used to deliver/transport the heated water to end uses.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="WaterHeatingCapacity" type="WaterHeatingCapacityType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>The heating capacity of the system in terms of water flow rate and water temperature rise across the system. Several are allowed because it is not uncommon for manufacturers to specify the temperature rise at various flow rates.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Quantity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>The quantity of this system that exists.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
          <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
    <xs:element name="SetpointSchedule" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>The temperature setpoint schedule. This may be constant.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
Complex Type WaterHeatingCapacityType
This object reflects the water heating capacity of the system in terms of the water flow rate and rise in temperature of water across the system. 

This "capacity" is commonly used with domestic tankless (instantaneous) water heaters.

Systems in the U.S. are often rated in a maximum gpm (flow rate) with a 35 degree Fahrenheit temperature rise. Detailed manufacturer specifications often also list the temperature rise at various flow rates.
Diagram WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingCapacityType_RatedTemperatureRise WaterHeatingSystem_xsd.tmp#WaterHeatingCapacityType_RatedFlowRate
Used by
Model RatedTemperatureRise , RatedFlowRate
Children RatedFlowRate, RatedTemperatureRise
<xs:complexType name="WaterHeatingCapacityType">
    <xs:documentation>This object reflects the water heating capacity of the system in terms of the water flow rate and rise in temperature of water across the system. This "capacity" is commonly used with domestic tankless (instantaneous) water heaters. Systems in the U.S. are often rated in a maximum gpm (flow rate) with a 35 degree Fahrenheit temperature rise. Detailed manufacturer specifications often also list the temperature rise at various flow rates.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:element name="RatedTemperatureRise" type="TemperatureType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>The change in temperature of the water between the inlet and outlet of the water heating system when it is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate). This Rated Temperature Rise corresponds to the Rated Flow Rate.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="RatedFlowRate" type="FlowType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>The flow rate through the water heating system that corresponds to the Rated Temperature Rise when the system is operating at full load (maximum heat output or firing rate).</xs:documentation>
Attribute WaterHeatingSystemType / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:ID
use: optional
Used by
Complex Type WaterHeatingSystemType
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>