
Used by
Included schema CommonElectrical.xsd
attribute form default: unqualified
element form default: unqualified
version: 1.0
Element WirewaySegmentType / Name
Namespace No namespace
A name given in context to the system.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>A name given in context to the system.</xs:documentation>
Element WirewaySegmentType / LocationDescription
Namespace No namespace
Description of where the segment is, or through which locations it traverses.  Include descriptions such as attic, interior, exterior, roof, or trench.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocationDescription" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Description of where the segment is, or through which locations it traverses. Include descriptions such as attic, interior, exterior, roof, or trench.</xs:documentation>
Element WirewaySegmentType / HighTempExposure
Namespace No namespace
Is the conduit exposed to high temperatures?  For example, sitting on a roof in direct sun.  If so, any conductors contained within the segment may have to have their rated current carrying capacity derated.
Type xs:boolean
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="HighTempExposure" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Is the conduit exposed to high temperatures? For example, sitting on a roof in direct sun. If so, any conductors contained within the segment may have to have their rated current carrying capacity derated.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType / ElectricalDistributionPanel
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_MainBreaker CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_Existence CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_IncludedMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SupplySideLugHolesAvailable CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_AcGroundingElectrodeConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SubPanel CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType
Type ElectricalPanelType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1} , EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection{0,1} , MainBreaker{0,1} , Existence{0,1} , IncludedMeter{0,1} , SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps{0,1} , UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity{0,1} , SupplySideLugHolesAvailable{0,1} , AcGroundingElectrodeConductor{0,1} , SubPanel{0,1}
Children AcGroundingElectrodeConductor, Condition, DateManufactured, EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection, Existence, IncludedMeter, LastServiced, Location, MainBreaker, Name, SerialNumber, SubPanel, SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps, SupplySideLugHolesAvailable, UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity, UsefulLife
<ElectricalDistributionPanel EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
  <EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef="">{0,1}</EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection>
  <IncludedMeter EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{0,1}</IncludedMeter>
  <SubPanel EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{0,1}</SubPanel>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element name="ElectricalDistributionPanel" type="ElectricalPanelType"/>
Element ElectricalPanelType / EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection
Namespace No namespace
Description of the conductor energizing the panel.  Should include description of OCPD / disco at source end.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CurrentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConductors CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesDisconnect CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_ConductorConnectionMechanism CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentGroundingConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_WirewaySegmentIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType
Type CircuitConnectionType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model Name{0,1} , CurrentType{0,1} , CircuitConductors , IncludesDisconnect{0,1} , IncludesStandAloneMeter{0,1} , Ocpd{0,1} , SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected{0,1} , ConductorConnectionMechanism{0,1} , EquipmentGroundingConductor{0,1} , WirewaySegmentIdRef*
Children CircuitConductors, ConductorConnectionMechanism, CurrentType, EquipmentGroundingConductor, IncludesDisconnect, IncludesStandAloneMeter, Name, Ocpd, SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected, WirewaySegmentIdRef
<EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef="">
  <IncludesDisconnect ConductorSegmentIdRef="" WirewayBoxIdRef="">{0,1}</IncludesDisconnect>
  <IncludesStandAloneMeter ConductorSegmentIdRef="">{0,1}</IncludesStandAloneMeter>
  <Ocpd EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef="">{0,1}</Ocpd>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef xs:IDREF optional
In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance.  For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter.  The new electrical panel can be described by an  ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element).

in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element.  That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection" type="CircuitConnectionType" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Description of the conductor energizing the panel. Should include description of OCPD / disco at source end.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / Name
Namespace No namespace
An optional free text identifier.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Name" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>An optional free text identifier.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / CurrentType
Namespace No namespace
AC or DC
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CurrentEnumType
Type CurrentEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration AC
enumeration DC
<xs:element name="CurrentType" minOccurs="0" type="CurrentEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>AC or DC</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / CircuitConductors
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_ConductorSize CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_ConductorQuantity CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_PrimaryConductorSegment CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_SecondaryConductorSegment CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType
Type CircuitConnectionConductorType
content: complex
Model ConductorSize , ConductorQuantity , PrimaryConductorSegment{0,1} , SecondaryConductorSegment*
Children ConductorQuantity, ConductorSize, PrimaryConductorSegment, SecondaryConductorSegment
  <PrimaryConductorSegment Id="">{0,1}</PrimaryConductorSegment>
  <SecondaryConductorSegment ConnectsToConductorSegmentId="" Id="" WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId="">{0,unbounded}</SecondaryConductorSegment>
<xs:element name="CircuitConductors" type="CircuitConnectionConductorType"/>
Element CircuitConnectionConductorType / ConductorSize
Namespace No namespace
Wire diameter, given in American Wire Gauge (AWG), or kcmil.  The entire circuit connection conductor is assumed to be the same size conductor, even if it is physically made up of multiple conductor segments that are different kinds of wire.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSizeEnumType
Type ConductorSizeEnumType
content: simple
enumeration 12
enumeration 10
enumeration 8
enumeration 6
enumeration 4
enumeration 3
enumeration 2
enumeration 1/0
enumeration 2/0
enumeration 3/0
enumeration 4/0
enumeration 250
enumeration 350
enumeration 400
enumeration 500
<xs:element name="ConductorSize" type="ConductorSizeEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Wire diameter, given in American Wire Gauge (AWG), or kcmil. The entire circuit connection conductor is assumed to be the same size conductor, even if it is physically made up of multiple conductor segments that are different kinds of wire.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionConductorType / ConductorQuantity
Namespace No namespace
Number of conductors used to connect the circuit. Residential 120V uses 2 conductors, whereas 240V typically uses three conductors, and commercial three phase typically is 4 conductors.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="ConductorQuantity" type="xs:integer">
    <xs:documentation>Number of conductors used to connect the circuit. Residential 120V uses 2 conductors, whereas 240V typically uses three conductors, and commercial three phase typically is 4 conductors.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionConductorType / PrimaryConductorSegment
Namespace No namespace
This is the segment of the CircuitConductor that is connected directly to the electrical component that this CircuitConnection belongs to.  For example, let's assume that this ConductorSegment is part of a CircuitConnection for a PvString. The PvString typically starts out as USE-2 wire from the PV Modules and may transition to THWN-2 wire once inside a J-box (modeled as a Wireway box in this schema).  The USE-2 segment of the conductor is the Primary segment, while the THWN-2 wire is a secondary segment.  All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Material CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Jacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_JacketColor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Length CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType
Type ConductorSegmentType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Material{0,1} , Jacket , JacketColor{0,1} , Length{0,1}
Children Jacket, JacketColor, Length, Material
<PrimaryConductorSegment Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PrimaryConductorSegment" type="ConductorSegmentType">
    <xs:documentation>This is the segment of the CircuitConductor that is connected directly to the electrical component that this CircuitConnection belongs to. For example, let's assume that this ConductorSegment is part of a CircuitConnection for a PvString. The PvString typically starts out as USE-2 wire from the PV Modules and may transition to THWN-2 wire once inside a J-box (modeled as a Wireway box in this schema). The USE-2 segment of the conductor is the Primary segment, while the THWN-2 wire is a secondary segment. All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.</xs:documentation>
Element ConductorSegmentType / Material
Namespace No namespace
Types of conductor material, such as "stranded Cu," "solid Cu," "stranded Al," etc.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorMaterialEnumType
Type ConductorMaterialEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration Stranded Cu
enumeration Solid Cu
enumeration Stranded Al
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Material" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Types of conductor material, such as "stranded Cu," "solid Cu," "stranded Al," etc.</xs:documentation>
Element ConductorSegmentType / Jacket
Namespace No namespace
Type of jacketing on the conductor.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorJacketEnumType
Type ConductorJacketEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
enumeration bare
enumeration USE
enumeration USE-2
enumeration THWN
enumeration THWN-2
enumeration THHN
enumeration THHW
enumeration XHHW-2
enumeration RHW-2
enumeration PV Wire
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="Jacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Type of jacketing on the conductor.</xs:documentation>
Element ConductorSegmentType / JacketColor
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="JacketColor" type="xs:string"/>
Element ConductorSegmentType / Length
Namespace No namespace
Length of this conductor connection, in feet.
Type xs:double
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="Length" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Length of this conductor connection, in feet.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionConductorType / SecondaryConductorSegment
Namespace No namespace
A portion of a CircuitConnectionConductor that is of a different type of wire than the Primary.  All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Material CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Jacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_JacketColor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Length CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_CircuitConnectionConductorType_SecondaryConductorSegment_ConnectsToConductorSegmentId CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_CircuitConnectionConductorType_SecondaryConductorSegment_WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId
Type extension of ConductorSegmentType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Material{0,1} , Jacket , JacketColor{0,1} , Length{0,1}
Children Jacket, JacketColor, Length, Material
<SecondaryConductorSegment ConnectsToConductorSegmentId="" Id="" WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ConnectsToConductorSegmentId xs:IDREF required
Id xs:ID required
WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId xs:IDREF required
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="SecondaryConductorSegment">
    <xs:documentation>A portion of a CircuitConnectionConductor that is of a different type of wire than the Primary. All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="ConductorSegmentType">
        <xs:attribute name="ConnectsToConductorSegmentId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
Element CircuitConnectionType / IncludesDisconnect
Namespace No namespace
If the CircuitConnection has a disconnect switch in it, this calls it out.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_IncludesDisconnect_WirewayBoxIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_IncludesDisconnect_ConductorSegmentIdRef
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ConductorSegmentIdRef xs:IDREF required
ConductorSegment that contains the disconnect switch.
WirewayBoxIdRef xs:IDREF required
Reference to an instance of the DisconnectSwitch modeled generally as a WirewayBox. A disconnect switch can switch more than one CircuitConnection, so it is defined external to the CircuitConnection.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesDisconnect">
    <xs:documentation>If the CircuitConnection has a disconnect switch in it, this calls it out.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="WirewayBoxIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>Reference to an instance of the DisconnectSwitch modeled generally as a WirewayBox. A disconnect switch can switch more than one CircuitConnection, so it is defined external to the CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>ConductorSegment that contains the disconnect switch.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / IncludesStandAloneMeter
Namespace No namespace
If the CircuitConnection is metered (for example the utility's revenue meter), this element describes the meter socket and meter.  The meter and socket are individual entities. The MeterSocket is modeled as a simple WirewayBox.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter_ConductorSegmentIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter_MeterSocket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter_Meter
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model MeterSocket , Meter
Children Meter, MeterSocket
<IncludesStandAloneMeter ConductorSegmentIdRef="">
  <MeterSocket EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{1,1}</MeterSocket>
  <Meter EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{1,1}</Meter>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
ConductorSegmentIdRef xs:IDREF optional
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesStandAloneMeter">
    <xs:documentation>If the CircuitConnection is metered (for example the utility's revenue meter), this element describes the meter socket and meter. The meter and socket are individual entities. The MeterSocket is modeled as a simple WirewayBox.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="MeterSocket" type="WirewayBoxType"/>
      <xs:element name="Meter" type="EquipmentInstanceType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF"/>
Element CircuitConnectionType / IncludesStandAloneMeter / MeterSocket
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_LocationDescription CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_HighTempExposure CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewayBoxType_SegmentConnection CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewayBoxType
Type WirewayBoxType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model Name{0,1} , LocationDescription{0,1} , HighTempExposure{0,1} , SegmentConnection+
Children HighTempExposure, LocationDescription, Name, SegmentConnection
<MeterSocket EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF optional
If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example.  A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element name="MeterSocket" type="WirewayBoxType"/>
Element WirewayBoxType / SegmentConnection
Namespace No namespace
The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment.  Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections (e.g. multiple conduit segments can terminate at a box). Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments to which it connects.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="SegmentConnection" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment. Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections (e.g. multiple conduit segments can terminate at a box). Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments to which it connects.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / IncludesStandAloneMeter / Meter
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType
Type EquipmentInstanceType
content: complex
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1}
Children Condition, DateManufactured, LastServiced, Location, Name, SerialNumber, UsefulLife
<Meter EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element name="Meter" type="EquipmentInstanceType"/>
Element CircuitConnectionType / Ocpd
Namespace No namespace
Over current protection device (OCPD). A device that protects the conductor from too much current by breaking the circuit. Fuses and circuit breakers are OCPDs.  In this schema, an OCPD is not a piece of equipment, but rather a component within a piece of equipment.  It is not necessary to include a mfr and model in most cases, but knowing the type and rating is required.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd_EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd_Fuse CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd_CircuitBreaker
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Fuse | CircuitBreaker
Children CircuitBreaker, Fuse
<Ocpd EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef optional
The ID referring to the equipment in which the OCPD is installed.  In most cases, it is the parent Equipment of the CircuitConnection's immediate parent element.  For example, if the CircuitConnection is within a StringInverter element, then the circuit breaker within the ElectricalPanel to which the Inverter connects will most like be the referenced OCPD.
<xs:element name="Ocpd" minOccurs="0" form="unqualified">
    <xs:documentation>Over current protection device (OCPD). A device that protects the conductor from too much current by breaking the circuit. Fuses and circuit breakers are OCPDs. In this schema, an OCPD is not a piece of equipment, but rather a component within a piece of equipment. It is not necessary to include a mfr and model in most cases, but knowing the type and rating is required.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="Fuse" type="FuseType"/>
      <xs:element name="CircuitBreaker" type="CircuitBreakerType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef">
        <xs:documentation>The ID referring to the equipment in which the OCPD is installed. In most cases, it is the parent Equipment of the CircuitConnection's immediate parent element. For example, if the CircuitConnection is within a StringInverter element, then the circuit breaker within the ElectricalPanel to which the Inverter connects will most like be the referenced OCPD.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / Ocpd / Fuse
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#FuseType_FuseClass CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#FuseType
Type FuseType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , FuseClass{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, FuseClass, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:element name="Fuse" type="FuseType"/>
Element OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType / CurrentRating
Namespace No namespace
The maximum rating in amps at which the OCPD is rated for operation.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="CurrentRating" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>The maximum rating in amps at which the OCPD is rated for operation.</xs:documentation>
Element OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType / AcVoltageRating
Namespace No namespace
Maximum AC voltage at which the OCPD is rated for use.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element name="AcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Maximum AC voltage at which the OCPD is rated for use.</xs:documentation>
Element OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType / DcVoltageRating
Namespace No namespace
Maximum DC voltage (if any) at which the OCPD is rated for use.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer">
    <xs:documentation>Maximum DC voltage (if any) at which the OCPD is rated for use.</xs:documentation>
Element OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType / Manufacturer
Namespace No namespace
Optional name of the manufacturer.  May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Manufacturer" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Optional name of the manufacturer. May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.</xs:documentation>
Element OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType / ModelNumber
Namespace No namespace
Optional manufacturer model number.  May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ModelNumber" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Optional manufacturer model number. May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.</xs:documentation>
Element FuseType / FuseClass
Namespace No namespace
This describes the form factor of the fuse body.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FuseClass" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>This describes the form factor of the fuse body.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / Ocpd / CircuitBreaker
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_DisconnectInterruptRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_IncludesGFPDevice CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType
Type CircuitBreakerType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , DisconnectInterruptRating{0,1} , IncludesGFPDevice{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, DisconnectInterruptRating, IncludesGFPDevice, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:element name="CircuitBreaker" type="CircuitBreakerType"/>
Element CircuitBreakerType / DisconnectInterruptRating
Namespace No namespace
Circuit breakers have disconnect interrupt ratings in Amps. Typical ratings include: 5000, 10000, 23000, 42000.  Typically if rating is not listed on a breaker, it is 5000.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DisconnectInterruptRating" type="xs:integer" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Circuit breakers have disconnect interrupt ratings in Amps. Typical ratings include: 5000, 10000, 23000, 42000. Typically if rating is not listed on a breaker, it is 5000.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitBreakerType / IncludesGFPDevice
Namespace No namespace
Commercial only. Does the OCPD include a Ground Fault Protection (GFP) device?
Type xs:boolean
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesGFPDevice" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Commercial only. Does the OCPD include a Ground Fault Protection (GFP) device?</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected
Namespace No namespace
When a circuit connection is made on an ElectricalPanel, which side of a the panel's main breaker (if present) is the interconnection made (supply or load side)?
This is a very important consideration, as the NEC dictates the maximum allowable interconnected current, and it is very different for each side of the OCPD.  For example, when tied to the load side of a panel's bus, the total of all circuits amperage can sum to 120% of the bus's current rating when using a backfed breaker.  If tied to the supply side, the allowable PV circuit amperage can go up to the maximum rated amperage of the bus (as the main breaker protects the load side).  Note that this also differs between residential and commercial systems. Most residential systems are interconnected on the load side. Conversely, most commercial systems are interconnected on the supply side because NEC 690 currently has no 120% rule on commercial load side tie-in (significantly limiting possible size), and also commercial system equipment is more likely to have connections available on the supply side (e.g. lugs).
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType
Type SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
default: load-side
enumeration supply-side
enumeration load-side
<xs:element default="load-side" minOccurs="0" name="SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected" type="SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>When a circuit connection is made on an ElectricalPanel, which side of a the panel's main breaker (if present) is the interconnection made (supply or load side)? This is a very important consideration, as the NEC dictates the maximum allowable interconnected current, and it is very different for each side of the OCPD. For example, when tied to the load side of a panel's bus, the total of all circuits amperage can sum to 120% of the bus's current rating when using a backfed breaker. If tied to the supply side, the allowable PV circuit amperage can go up to the maximum rated amperage of the bus (as the main breaker protects the load side). Note that this also differs between residential and commercial systems. Most residential systems are interconnected on the load side. Conversely, most commercial systems are interconnected on the supply side because NEC 690 currently has no 120% rule on commercial load side tie-in (significantly limiting possible size), and also commercial system equipment is more likely to have connections available on the supply side (e.g. lugs).</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / ConductorConnectionMechanism
Namespace No namespace
Optional description of how the conductors are phyisically connected. Examples:
-Dedicated circuit breaker (typical of load side, but breaker-can also be on service side if hot-bussed panel has breaker slot on the service side)
-lugs (supply side typical)
-wire taps (supply side typical)
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConductorConnectionMechanism" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Optional description of how the conductors are phyisically connected. Examples: -Dedicated circuit breaker (typical of load side, but breaker-can also be on service side if hot-bussed panel has breaker slot on the service side) -lugs (supply side typical) -wire taps (supply side typical)</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / EquipmentGroundingConductor
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_Egc CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcSize CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcJacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcJacketColor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_GroundingNotes CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType
Type EquipmentGroundingConductorType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Egc{0,1} , EgcSize , EgcJacket{0,1} , EgcJacketColor{0,1} , GroundingNotes{0,1}
Children Egc, EgcJacket, EgcJacketColor, EgcSize, GroundingNotes
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EquipmentGroundingConductor" type="EquipmentGroundingConductorType"/>
Element EquipmentGroundingConductorType / Egc
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorMaterialEnumType
Type ConductorMaterialEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration Stranded Cu
enumeration Solid Cu
enumeration Stranded Al
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Egc" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType"/>
Element EquipmentGroundingConductorType / EgcSize
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSizeEnumType
Type ConductorSizeEnumType
content: simple
enumeration 12
enumeration 10
enumeration 8
enumeration 6
enumeration 4
enumeration 3
enumeration 2
enumeration 1/0
enumeration 2/0
enumeration 3/0
enumeration 4/0
enumeration 250
enumeration 350
enumeration 400
enumeration 500
<xs:element name="EgcSize" type="ConductorSizeEnumType"/>
Element EquipmentGroundingConductorType / EgcJacket
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorJacketEnumType
Type ConductorJacketEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration bare
enumeration USE
enumeration USE-2
enumeration THWN
enumeration THWN-2
enumeration THHN
enumeration THHW
enumeration XHHW-2
enumeration RHW-2
enumeration PV Wire
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EgcJacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType"/>
Element EquipmentGroundingConductorType / EgcJacketColor
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
default: green
<xs:element default="green" minOccurs="0" name="EgcJacketColor" type="xs:string"/>
Element EquipmentGroundingConductorType / GroundingNotes
Namespace No namespace
Use to describe details on connection methods between grounding conductor and equipment.
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GroundingNotes" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Use to describe details on connection methods between grounding conductor and equipment.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnectionType / WirewaySegmentIdRef
Namespace No namespace
The Wireway Segments through which this circuit connection runs. Can include ConduitSegments, WirewayBoxes, or both. Note that the CircuitConnection can be routed through a DisconnectSwitch or StandAloneMeterSocket without actually being switched or metered.  If the CircuitConnection is disconnected or metered, it should be called out in a separate Disconnect or StandAloneMeter element within the CircuitConnection.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
<xs:element name="WirewaySegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The Wireway Segments through which this circuit connection runs. Can include ConduitSegments, WirewayBoxes, or both. Note that the CircuitConnection can be routed through a DisconnectSwitch or StandAloneMeterSocket without actually being switched or metered. If the CircuitConnection is disconnected or metered, it should be called out in a separate Disconnect or StandAloneMeter element within the CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / MainBreaker
Namespace No namespace
Describes an internal circuit breaker, if any, that serves as the main OCPD and power disconnect to this panel's bus.  Note that the ElectricPanel may or may not have an internal main breaker.  Panels with or without a main internal breaker may also have an OCPD on the ElectricPanel's CircuitConnection element which serves as the energizing source for this panel.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_DisconnectInterruptRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_IncludesGFPDevice CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType
Type CircuitBreakerType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , DisconnectInterruptRating{0,1} , IncludesGFPDevice{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, DisconnectInterruptRating, IncludesGFPDevice, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MainBreaker" type="CircuitBreakerType" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Describes an internal circuit breaker, if any, that serves as the main OCPD and power disconnect to this panel's bus. Note that the ElectricPanel may or may not have an internal main breaker. Panels with or without a main internal breaker may also have an OCPD on the ElectricPanel's CircuitConnection element which serves as the energizing source for this panel.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / Existence
Namespace No namespace
Is this panel existing or new (proposed)?  When the ElectricalPanel is used within the ExistingElectricalSystem element inside of a Project's Site element, this is assumed to be an existing panel.  However, if the panel is just being defined within a PvDesign's AcTie-InPanel element, then its important to know if the panel being described already exists or is new (and therefore part of the scope of work).
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Existence" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Is this panel existing or new (proposed)? When the ElectricalPanel is used within the ExistingElectricalSystem element inside of a Project's Site element, this is assumed to be an existing panel. However, if the panel is just being defined within a PvDesign's AcTie-InPanel element, then its important to know if the panel being described already exists or is new (and therefore part of the scope of work).</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / IncludedMeter
Namespace No namespace
If the panel is an "All in One", it has a meter socket.  This element describes the meter in that socket.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType
Type EquipmentInstanceType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1}
Children Condition, DateManufactured, LastServiced, Location, Name, SerialNumber, UsefulLife
<IncludedMeter EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludedMeter" type="EquipmentInstanceType">
    <xs:documentation>If the panel is an "All in One", it has a meter socket. This element describes the meter in that socket.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps
Namespace No namespace
Integer quantity in Amps.  Add up the ratings for all existing breakers on the panel.  This is used to determine if existing panel configuration meets code, and if additional breakers can be added.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps" type="xs:integer">
    <xs:documentation>Integer quantity in Amps. Add up the ratings for all existing breakers on the panel. This is used to determine if existing panel configuration meets code, and if additional breakers can be added.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity" type="xs:integer" maxOccurs="1"/>
Element ElectricalPanelType / SupplySideLugHolesAvailable
Namespace No namespace
Does the energizing (supply side) bus bar have pre-drilled holes suitable for adding a new supply side lug?
Type xs:boolean
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SupplySideLugHolesAvailable" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>Does the energizing (supply side) bus bar have pre-drilled holes suitable for adding a new supply side lug?</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / AcGroundingElectrodeConductor
Namespace No namespace
The main service panel should have an AC system grounding conductor that runs from the grounding bus to the grounding electrode.  The grounding electrode is a ground rod, or U-fer, for example.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Material CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Size CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Jacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_GroundingElectrode CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType
Type GroundingElectrodeConductorType
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Material , Size , Jacket , GroundingElectrode{0,1}
Children GroundingElectrode, Jacket, Material, Size
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AcGroundingElectrodeConductor" type="GroundingElectrodeConductorType">
    <xs:documentation>The main service panel should have an AC system grounding conductor that runs from the grounding bus to the grounding electrode. The grounding electrode is a ground rod, or U-fer, for example.</xs:documentation>
Element GroundingElectrodeConductorType / Material
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorMaterialEnumType
Type ConductorMaterialEnumType
content: simple
default: Solid Cu
enumeration Stranded Cu
enumeration Solid Cu
enumeration Stranded Al
<xs:element default="Solid Cu" name="Material" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType"/>
Element GroundingElectrodeConductorType / Size
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSizeEnumType
Type ConductorSizeEnumType
content: simple
enumeration 12
enumeration 10
enumeration 8
enumeration 6
enumeration 4
enumeration 3
enumeration 2
enumeration 1/0
enumeration 2/0
enumeration 3/0
enumeration 4/0
enumeration 250
enumeration 350
enumeration 400
enumeration 500
<xs:element name="Size" type="ConductorSizeEnumType"/>
Element GroundingElectrodeConductorType / Jacket
Namespace No namespace
Should be "bare."
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorJacketEnumType
Type ConductorJacketEnumType
content: simple
default: bare
enumeration bare
enumeration USE
enumeration USE-2
enumeration THWN
enumeration THWN-2
enumeration THHN
enumeration THHW
enumeration XHHW-2
enumeration RHW-2
enumeration PV Wire
<xs:element default="bare" name="Jacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Should be "bare."</xs:documentation>
Element GroundingElectrodeConductorType / GroundingElectrode
Namespace No namespace
Grounding electrode is typically a ground rod or U-fer.  This element should include the grounding electrode's size. For example "3/4 in ground rod."
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GroundingElectrode" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Grounding electrode is typically a ground rod or U-fer. This element should include the grounding electrode's size. For example "3/4 in ground rod."</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalPanelType / SubPanel
Namespace No namespace
An electrical distribution panel downstream from the parent panel.  It has the same data structure.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_MainBreaker CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_Existence CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_IncludedMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SupplySideLugHolesAvailable CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_AcGroundingElectrodeConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SubPanel CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType
Type ElectricalPanelType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1} , EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection{0,1} , MainBreaker{0,1} , Existence{0,1} , IncludedMeter{0,1} , SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps{0,1} , UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity{0,1} , SupplySideLugHolesAvailable{0,1} , AcGroundingElectrodeConductor{0,1} , SubPanel{0,1}
Children AcGroundingElectrodeConductor, Condition, DateManufactured, EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection, Existence, IncludedMeter, LastServiced, Location, MainBreaker, Name, SerialNumber, SubPanel, SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps, SupplySideLugHolesAvailable, UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity, UsefulLife
<SubPanel EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">
  <EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef="">{0,1}</EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection>
  <IncludedMeter EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{0,1}</IncludedMeter>
  <SubPanel EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{0,1}</SubPanel>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SubPanel" type="ElectricalPanelType">
    <xs:documentation>An electrical distribution panel downstream from the parent panel. It has the same data structure.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType / BuildingID
Namespace No namespace
Describes the building(s) that the electrical distribution system services.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="BuildingID" type="xs:IDREF">
    <xs:documentation>Describes the building(s) that the electrical distribution system services.</xs:documentation>
Element ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType / ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition
Namespace No namespace
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelDefinitionType_RatedCurrent CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelDefinitionType
Type ElectricalPanelDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
maxOccurs: unbounded
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1} , RatedCurrent
Children Depth, Description, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, RatedCurrent, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
<ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition Id="">
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition" type="ElectricalPanelDefinitionType"/>
Element ElectricalPanelDefinitionType / RatedCurrent
Namespace No namespace
Rating of the bus, in Amps.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
maxOccurs: 1
<xs:element name="RatedCurrent" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
    <xs:documentation>Rating of the bus, in Amps.</xs:documentation>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / DiscoRating
Namespace No namespace
Rating in amps for disconnecting an AC or DC circuit.
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 1
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="DiscoRating" type="xs:integer">
    <xs:documentation>Rating in amps for disconnecting an AC or DC circuit.</xs:documentation>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / AcVoltageRating
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer"/>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / DcVoltageRating
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:integer
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer"/>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / SwitchContact
Namespace No namespace
The terms pole and throw are also used to describe switch contact variations. The number of "poles" is the number of separate circuits which are controlled by a switch. For example, a "2-pole" switch has two separate identical sets of contacts controlled by the same knob. The number of "throws" is the number of separate positions that the switch can adopt. A single-throw switch has one pair of contacts that can either be closed or open. A double-throw switch has a contact that can be connected to either of two other contacts, a triple-throw has a contact which can be connected to one of three other contacts, etc
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#SwitchContactActionEnumType
Type SwitchContactActionEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration SPST
enumeration DPST
enumeration 3PST
enumeration SPDT
<xs:element name="SwitchContact" minOccurs="0" type="SwitchContactActionEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>The terms pole and throw are also used to describe switch contact variations. The number of "poles" is the number of separate circuits which are controlled by a switch. For example, a "2-pole" switch has two separate identical sets of contacts controlled by the same knob. The number of "throws" is the number of separate positions that the switch can adopt. A single-throw switch has one pair of contacts that can either be closed or open. A double-throw switch has a contact that can be connected to either of two other contacts, a triple-throw has a contact which can be connected to one of three other contacts, etc</xs:documentation>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / Duty
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#SwitchDutyEnumType
Type SwitchDutyEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
enumeration General-Duty
enumeration Heavy-Duty
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Duty" type="SwitchDutyEnumType"/>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / VisibleLock
Namespace No namespace
Does the switch have a visible locking mechnism?
Type xs:boolean
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VisibleLock" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>Does the switch have a visible locking mechnism?</xs:documentation>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / Fusible
Namespace No namespace
Do the switch circuits include fuses?
Type xs:boolean
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fusible" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>Do the switch circuits include fuses?</xs:documentation>
Element DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType / Fuse
Namespace No namespace
If the switch includes fuses, this describes the fuses.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#FuseType_FuseClass CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#FuseType
Type FuseType
Type hierarchy
content: complex
minOccurs: 0
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , FuseClass{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, FuseClass, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fuse" type="FuseType">
    <xs:documentation>If the switch includes fuses, this describes the fuses.</xs:documentation>
Element ConduitSegmentType / ConduitType
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#TypeOfConduitEnumType
Type TypeOfConduitEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
enumeration EMT
enumeration PVC
enumeration Rigid
<xs:element name="ConduitType" type="TypeOfConduitEnumType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Element ConduitSegmentType / ConduitDiameter
Namespace No namespace
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConduitDiameterEnumType
Type ConduitDiameterEnumType
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 1
enumeration 1/2
enumeration 3/4
enumeration 1
enumeration 1 1/4
enumeration 1 1/2
enumeration 2
<xs:element name="ConduitDiameter" type="ConduitDiameterEnumType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
Element ConduitSegmentType / ConduitLength
Namespace No namespace
The length in feet of the conduit segment.  Values should be rounded up to nearest foot.
Type xs:double
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element name="ConduitLength" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The length in feet of the conduit segment. Values should be rounded up to nearest foot.</xs:documentation>
Element ConduitSegmentType / SegmentConnection
Namespace No namespace
The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment or Equipment to which the Coduit segment connects.  Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments or Equipment to which it connects.  Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
maxOccurs: 2
<xs:element maxOccurs="2" name="SegmentConnection" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment or Equipment to which the Coduit segment connects. Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments or Equipment to which it connects. Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections.</xs:documentation>
Element CircuitConnection
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CurrentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConductors CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesDisconnect CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_ConductorConnectionMechanism CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentGroundingConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_WirewaySegmentIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType
Type CircuitConnectionType
content: complex
Model Name{0,1} , CurrentType{0,1} , CircuitConductors , IncludesDisconnect{0,1} , IncludesStandAloneMeter{0,1} , Ocpd{0,1} , SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected{0,1} , ConductorConnectionMechanism{0,1} , EquipmentGroundingConductor{0,1} , WirewaySegmentIdRef*
Children CircuitConductors, ConductorConnectionMechanism, CurrentType, EquipmentGroundingConductor, IncludesDisconnect, IncludesStandAloneMeter, Name, Ocpd, SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected, WirewaySegmentIdRef
<CircuitConnection EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef="" xmlns="">
  <IncludesDisconnect ConductorSegmentIdRef="" WirewayBoxIdRef="">{0,1}</IncludesDisconnect>
  <IncludesStandAloneMeter ConductorSegmentIdRef="">{0,1}</IncludesStandAloneMeter>
  <Ocpd EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef="">{0,1}</Ocpd>
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef xs:IDREF optional
In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance.  For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter.  The new electrical panel can be described by an  ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element).

in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element.  That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.
<xs:element name="CircuitConnection" type="CircuitConnectionType"/>
Element ElectricalDistributionHierarchy
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_ElectricalDistributionPanel CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_BuildingID CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType
Type ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType
content: complex
Model ElectricalDistributionPanel , BuildingID* , ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition+
Children BuildingID, ElectricalDistributionPanel, ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition
<ElectricalDistributionHierarchy xmlns="">
  <ElectricalDistributionPanel EquipmentDefinitionIdRef="" Id="">{1,1}</ElectricalDistributionPanel>
  <ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition Id="">{1,unbounded}</ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition>
<xs:element name="ElectricalDistributionHierarchy" type="ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType">
Element MeterDefinitionType / Directionality
Namespace No namespace
Is the meter mono or bi-directional?
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Directionality" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Is the meter mono or bi-directional?</xs:documentation>
Element MeterDefinitionType / MeasurementMechanism
Namespace No namespace
What type of measurement mechanism does the meter employ? For example, "current transducer" or "inline electro-mechanical"
Type xs:string
content: simple
minOccurs: 0
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MeasurementMechanism" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>What type of measurement mechanism does the meter employ? For example, "current transducer" or "inline electro-mechanical"</xs:documentation>
Complex Type WirewaySegmentType
Base definition of a WirewaySegment, which is a distinct piece of wireway through which electrical wiring is housed for its prtotection and the protection of people and property. Wireway segments can be either electrical conduit or boxes. Multiple segments are connected to form a single continuous path for one or more CircuitConnections. Each segment is distinct by its characteristics.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_LocationDescription CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_HighTempExposure
abstract: true
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , LocationDescription{0,1} , HighTempExposure{0,1}
Children HighTempExposure, LocationDescription, Name
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF optional
If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example.  A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="WirewaySegmentType" abstract="true">
    <xs:documentation>Base definition of a WirewaySegment, which is a distinct piece of wireway through which electrical wiring is housed for its prtotection and the protection of people and property. Wireway segments can be either electrical conduit or boxes. Multiple segments are connected to form a single continuous path for one or more CircuitConnections. Each segment is distinct by its characteristics.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>A name given in context to the system.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocationDescription" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Description of where the segment is, or through which locations it traverses. Include descriptions such as attic, interior, exterior, roof, or trench.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="HighTempExposure" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>Is the conduit exposed to high temperatures? For example, sitting on a roof in direct sun. If so, any conductors contained within the segment may have to have their rated current carrying capacity derated.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
  <xs:attribute name="EquipmentDefinitionIdRef" type="xs:IDREF">
      <xs:documentation>If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example. A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType
Describes a part of, or an entire electrical distribution system composed of one or more panels/load centers/fuse boxes in a hierarchical tree arrangement.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_ElectricalDistributionPanel CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_BuildingID CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType_ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition
Used by
Model ElectricalDistributionPanel , BuildingID* , ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition+
Children BuildingID, ElectricalDistributionPanel, ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalDistributionHierarchyType">
    <xs:documentation>Describes a part of, or an entire electrical distribution system composed of one or more panels/load centers/fuse boxes in a hierarchical tree arrangement.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ElectricalDistributionPanel" type="ElectricalPanelType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="BuildingID" type="xs:IDREF">
        <xs:documentation>Describes the building(s) that the electrical distribution system services.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ElectricalDistributionPanelDefinition" type="ElectricalPanelDefinitionType"/>
Complex Type ElectricalPanelType
Describes any sort of electrical distribution panel, for example a fused panel, a breaker panel, etc.  Can be a main or sub-panel.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Name Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_SerialNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_DateManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Location Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_Condition Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_LastServiced Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType_UsefulLife Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentInstanceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_MainBreaker CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_Existence CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_IncludedMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SupplySideLugHolesAvailable CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_AcGroundingElectrodeConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelType_SubPanel
Type extension of EquipmentInstanceType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , SerialNumber{0,1} , DateManufactured{0,1} , Location{0,1} , Condition{0,1} , LastServiced{0,1} , UsefulLife{0,1} , EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection{0,1} , MainBreaker{0,1} , Existence{0,1} , IncludedMeter{0,1} , SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps{0,1} , UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity{0,1} , SupplySideLugHolesAvailable{0,1} , AcGroundingElectrodeConductor{0,1} , SubPanel{0,1}
Children AcGroundingElectrodeConductor, Condition, DateManufactured, EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection, Existence, IncludedMeter, LastServiced, Location, MainBreaker, Name, SerialNumber, SubPanel, SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps, SupplySideLugHolesAvailable, UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity, UsefulLife
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF required
ID Ref of the associated equipment definition for this equipment instance.  For example, in case of a PVModule, this would be the ID of the PvModuleDefinition element that describes this particular PV module instance.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalPanelType">
    <xs:documentation>Describes any sort of electrical distribution panel, for example a fused panel, a breaker panel, etc. Can be a main or sub-panel.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentInstanceType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EnergizingSourceCircuitConnection" type="CircuitConnectionType" maxOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>Description of the conductor energizing the panel. Should include description of OCPD / disco at source end.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MainBreaker" type="CircuitBreakerType" maxOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>Describes an internal circuit breaker, if any, that serves as the main OCPD and power disconnect to this panel's bus. Note that the ElectricPanel may or may not have an internal main breaker. Panels with or without a main internal breaker may also have an OCPD on the ElectricPanel's CircuitConnection element which serves as the energizing source for this panel.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Existence" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Is this panel existing or new (proposed)? When the ElectricalPanel is used within the ExistingElectricalSystem element inside of a Project's Site element, this is assumed to be an existing panel. However, if the panel is just being defined within a PvDesign's AcTie-InPanel element, then its important to know if the panel being described already exists or is new (and therefore part of the scope of work).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludedMeter" type="EquipmentInstanceType">
            <xs:documentation>If the panel is an "All in One", it has a meter socket. This element describes the meter in that socket.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="SumOfExistingFeederBreakerAmps" type="xs:integer">
            <xs:documentation>Integer quantity in Amps. Add up the ratings for all existing breakers on the panel. This is used to determine if existing panel configuration meets code, and if additional breakers can be added.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UnusedBreakerSlotQuantity" type="xs:integer" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SupplySideLugHolesAvailable" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>Does the energizing (supply side) bus bar have pre-drilled holes suitable for adding a new supply side lug?</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AcGroundingElectrodeConductor" type="GroundingElectrodeConductorType">
            <xs:documentation>The main service panel should have an AC system grounding conductor that runs from the grounding bus to the grounding electrode. The grounding electrode is a ground rod, or U-fer, for example.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SubPanel" type="ElectricalPanelType">
            <xs:documentation>An electrical distribution panel downstream from the parent panel. It has the same data structure.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type CircuitConnectionType
A CircuitConnection defines a portion of an electrical circuit connecting two distinct components of an electrical system (for example, the connection of a PV String to a CombinerBox).  A CircuitConnection is made by conductors. One end of the CircuitConnection is the element in which the CircuitConnection exists, and the other end is typically the parent element of the element in which the CircuitConnection element resides. For example, a CombinerBox element can have multiple PvString elements within it.  Each PvString element contains a CircuitConnection element which defines its connection to the CombinerBox.  A CombinerBox has a CircuitConnection element which defines its connection to an InverterDcInput, for example.

Optionally, the CircuitConnectionType contains an optional EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef attribute which can be used to reference another electrical equipment element in another part of a document.  For example, a PvDesign's Inverter has no parent element.  Instead, it's AcTie-InCircuitConnection uses the EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef attribute to reference either an ElectricalPanel within the PvDesign, or an ElectricalPanel within a Project's ExistingElectricalDistributionHierarchy element may exist.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CurrentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_CircuitConductors CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesDisconnect CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_IncludesStandAloneMeter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_Ocpd CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_ConductorConnectionMechanism CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_EquipmentGroundingConductor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionType_WirewaySegmentIdRef
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , CurrentType{0,1} , CircuitConductors , IncludesDisconnect{0,1} , IncludesStandAloneMeter{0,1} , Ocpd{0,1} , SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected{0,1} , ConductorConnectionMechanism{0,1} , EquipmentGroundingConductor{0,1} , WirewaySegmentIdRef*
Children CircuitConductors, ConductorConnectionMechanism, CurrentType, EquipmentGroundingConductor, IncludesDisconnect, IncludesStandAloneMeter, Name, Ocpd, SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected, WirewaySegmentIdRef
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef xs:IDREF optional
In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance.  For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter.  The new electrical panel can be described by an  ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element).

in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element.  That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.
<xs:complexType name="CircuitConnectionType">
    <xs:documentation>A CircuitConnection defines a portion of an electrical circuit connecting two distinct components of an electrical system (for example, the connection of a PV String to a CombinerBox). A CircuitConnection is made by conductors. One end of the CircuitConnection is the element in which the CircuitConnection exists, and the other end is typically the parent element of the element in which the CircuitConnection element resides. For example, a CombinerBox element can have multiple PvString elements within it. Each PvString element contains a CircuitConnection element which defines its connection to the CombinerBox. A CombinerBox has a CircuitConnection element which defines its connection to an InverterDcInput, for example. Optionally, the CircuitConnectionType contains an optional EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef attribute which can be used to reference another electrical equipment element in another part of a document. For example, a PvDesign's Inverter has no parent element. Instead, it's AcTie-InCircuitConnection uses the EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef attribute to reference either an ElectricalPanel within the PvDesign, or an ElectricalPanel within a Project's ExistingElectricalDistributionHierarchy element may exist.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Name" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>An optional free text identifier.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="CurrentType" minOccurs="0" type="CurrentEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>AC or DC</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="CircuitConductors" type="CircuitConnectionConductorType"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesDisconnect">
        <xs:documentation>If the CircuitConnection has a disconnect switch in it, this calls it out.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="WirewayBoxIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>Reference to an instance of the DisconnectSwitch modeled generally as a WirewayBox. A disconnect switch can switch more than one CircuitConnection, so it is defined external to the CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
            <xs:documentation>ConductorSegment that contains the disconnect switch.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesStandAloneMeter">
        <xs:documentation>If the CircuitConnection is metered (for example the utility's revenue meter), this element describes the meter socket and meter. The meter and socket are individual entities. The MeterSocket is modeled as a simple WirewayBox.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="MeterSocket" type="WirewayBoxType"/>
          <xs:element name="Meter" type="EquipmentInstanceType"/>
        <xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF"/>
    <xs:element name="Ocpd" minOccurs="0" form="unqualified">
        <xs:documentation>Over current protection device (OCPD). A device that protects the conductor from too much current by breaking the circuit. Fuses and circuit breakers are OCPDs. In this schema, an OCPD is not a piece of equipment, but rather a component within a piece of equipment. It is not necessary to include a mfr and model in most cases, but knowing the type and rating is required.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="Fuse" type="FuseType"/>
          <xs:element name="CircuitBreaker" type="CircuitBreakerType"/>
        <xs:attribute name="EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef">
            <xs:documentation>The ID referring to the equipment in which the OCPD is installed. In most cases, it is the parent Equipment of the CircuitConnection's immediate parent element. For example, if the CircuitConnection is within a StringInverter element, then the circuit breaker within the ElectricalPanel to which the Inverter connects will most like be the referenced OCPD.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element default="load-side" minOccurs="0" name="SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnected" type="SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>When a circuit connection is made on an ElectricalPanel, which side of a the panel's main breaker (if present) is the interconnection made (supply or load side)? This is a very important consideration, as the NEC dictates the maximum allowable interconnected current, and it is very different for each side of the OCPD. For example, when tied to the load side of a panel's bus, the total of all circuits amperage can sum to 120% of the bus's current rating when using a backfed breaker. If tied to the supply side, the allowable PV circuit amperage can go up to the maximum rated amperage of the bus (as the main breaker protects the load side). Note that this also differs between residential and commercial systems. Most residential systems are interconnected on the load side. Conversely, most commercial systems are interconnected on the supply side because NEC 690 currently has no 120% rule on commercial load side tie-in (significantly limiting possible size), and also commercial system equipment is more likely to have connections available on the supply side (e.g. lugs).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConductorConnectionMechanism" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Optional description of how the conductors are phyisically connected. Examples: -Dedicated circuit breaker (typical of load side, but breaker-can also be on service side if hot-bussed panel has breaker slot on the service side) -lugs (supply side typical) -wire taps (supply side typical)</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EquipmentGroundingConductor" type="EquipmentGroundingConductorType"/>
    <xs:element name="WirewaySegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>The Wireway Segments through which this circuit connection runs. Can include ConduitSegments, WirewayBoxes, or both. Note that the CircuitConnection can be routed through a DisconnectSwitch or StandAloneMeterSocket without actually being switched or metered. If the CircuitConnection is disconnected or metered, it should be called out in a separate Disconnect or StandAloneMeter element within the CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef" type="xs:IDREF">
      <xs:documentation>In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance. For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter. The new electrical panel can be described by an ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element). in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element. That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.</xs:documentation>
Simple Type CurrentEnumType
Types of electrical current.
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration AC
enumeration DC
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="CurrentEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Types of electrical current.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="AC"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="DC"/>
Complex Type CircuitConnectionConductorType
A CircuitConnectionConductor can be made up of multiple segments of wire, as long as they share the same current carrying capacity, defined by its ConductorSize.  In PV Systems, for example, its common for an array's wiring to transition from wire outside of conduit into wire inside conduit.  The wire is spliced together within a box (e.g. WirewayBox).
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_ConductorSize CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_ConductorQuantity CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_PrimaryConductorSegment CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitConnectionConductorType_SecondaryConductorSegment
Used by
Model ConductorSize , ConductorQuantity , PrimaryConductorSegment{0,1} , SecondaryConductorSegment*
Children ConductorQuantity, ConductorSize, PrimaryConductorSegment, SecondaryConductorSegment
<xs:complexType name="CircuitConnectionConductorType">
    <xs:documentation>A CircuitConnectionConductor can be made up of multiple segments of wire, as long as they share the same current carrying capacity, defined by its ConductorSize. In PV Systems, for example, its common for an array's wiring to transition from wire outside of conduit into wire inside conduit. The wire is spliced together within a box (e.g. WirewayBox).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ConductorSize" type="ConductorSizeEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>Wire diameter, given in American Wire Gauge (AWG), or kcmil. The entire circuit connection conductor is assumed to be the same size conductor, even if it is physically made up of multiple conductor segments that are different kinds of wire.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="1" name="ConductorQuantity" type="xs:integer">
        <xs:documentation>Number of conductors used to connect the circuit. Residential 120V uses 2 conductors, whereas 240V typically uses three conductors, and commercial three phase typically is 4 conductors.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PrimaryConductorSegment" type="ConductorSegmentType">
        <xs:documentation>This is the segment of the CircuitConductor that is connected directly to the electrical component that this CircuitConnection belongs to. For example, let's assume that this ConductorSegment is part of a CircuitConnection for a PvString. The PvString typically starts out as USE-2 wire from the PV Modules and may transition to THWN-2 wire once inside a J-box (modeled as a Wireway box in this schema). The USE-2 segment of the conductor is the Primary segment, while the THWN-2 wire is a secondary segment. All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="SecondaryConductorSegment">
        <xs:documentation>A portion of a CircuitConnectionConductor that is of a different type of wire than the Primary. All CircuitConnectionConductors have a primary segment, only some have any secondary instances. If there are more than one, then the splices made beween them are described by the ConnectsToConductorSegmentId and the WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId attributes.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="ConductorSegmentType">
            <xs:attribute name="ConnectsToConductorSegmentId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute name="WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
Simple Type ConductorSizeEnumType
Standard wire sizes in AWG or kcmil.
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration 12
enumeration 10
enumeration 8
enumeration 6
enumeration 4
enumeration 3
enumeration 2
enumeration 1/0
enumeration 2/0
enumeration 3/0
enumeration 4/0
enumeration 250
enumeration 350
enumeration 400
enumeration 500
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="ConductorSizeEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Standard wire sizes in AWG or kcmil.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="12"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="10"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="8"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="6"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="4"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="3"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="1/0"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="2/0"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="3/0"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="4/0"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="250"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="350"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="400"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="500"/>
Complex Type ConductorSegmentType
A specific portion of a circuit's wiring.  This element allows for definition of multiple segments of different wire types within a single CircuitConnectionConductor.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Material CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Jacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_JacketColor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConductorSegmentType_Length
Used by
Model Material{0,1} , Jacket , JacketColor{0,1} , Length{0,1}
Children Jacket, JacketColor, Length, Material
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="ConductorSegmentType">
    <xs:documentation>A specific portion of a circuit's wiring. This element allows for definition of multiple segments of different wire types within a single CircuitConnectionConductor.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Material" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>Types of conductor material, such as "stranded Cu," "solid Cu," "stranded Al," etc.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="1" name="Jacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>Type of jacketing on the conductor.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="JacketColor" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="Length" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>Length of this conductor connection, in feet.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute name="Id" use="required" type="xs:ID"/>
Simple Type ConductorMaterialEnumType
Types of conductor material, such as "stranded Cu," "solid Cu," "stranded Al," etc..
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration Stranded Cu
enumeration Solid Cu
enumeration Stranded Al
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="ConductorMaterialEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Types of conductor material, such as "stranded Cu," "solid Cu," "stranded Al," etc..</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="Stranded Cu"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="Solid Cu"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="Stranded Al"/>
Simple Type ConductorJacketEnumType
ISSUE: May need additional jacket types
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration bare
enumeration USE
enumeration USE-2
enumeration THWN
enumeration THWN-2
enumeration THHN
enumeration THHW
enumeration XHHW-2
enumeration RHW-2
enumeration PV Wire
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="ConductorJacketEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>ISSUE: May need additional jacket types</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="bare"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="USE"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="USE-2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="THWN"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="THWN-2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="THHN"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="THHW"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="XHHW-2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="RHW-2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="PV Wire"/>
Complex Type WirewayBoxType
A WirewayBox is any electrical box through which CircuitConnections travel as a transition from one ConduitSegment to another. A WirewayBox is modeled like a piece of conduit in that they do not have their own CircuitConnections.  Wireway boxes cannot change the current or voltage characteristics of any CircuitConnections passing through it.  They may not combine or distribute current like a DcCombiner or ElectricalPanel.  They may not change voltage characteristics such as a StringInverter. A WirewayBox may contain 1:1 wire splices or a disconnect switch (a switch does not change the current or voltage). Note that a WirewayBox may or may not refer to a defined piece of Equipment (e.g. a JunctionBoxDefintion, DisconnectSwitchDefinition, StandAloneMeterSocketDefintion). It may instead contain a free text name.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_LocationDescription CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_HighTempExposure CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewayBoxType_SegmentConnection
Type extension of WirewaySegmentType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , LocationDescription{0,1} , HighTempExposure{0,1} , SegmentConnection+
Children HighTempExposure, LocationDescription, Name, SegmentConnection
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF optional
If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example.  A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="WirewayBoxType">
    <xs:documentation>A WirewayBox is any electrical box through which CircuitConnections travel as a transition from one ConduitSegment to another. A WirewayBox is modeled like a piece of conduit in that they do not have their own CircuitConnections. Wireway boxes cannot change the current or voltage characteristics of any CircuitConnections passing through it. They may not combine or distribute current like a DcCombiner or ElectricalPanel. They may not change voltage characteristics such as a StringInverter. A WirewayBox may contain 1:1 wire splices or a disconnect switch (a switch does not change the current or voltage). Note that a WirewayBox may or may not refer to a defined piece of Equipment (e.g. a JunctionBoxDefintion, DisconnectSwitchDefinition, StandAloneMeterSocketDefintion). It may instead contain a free text name.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="WirewaySegmentType">
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="SegmentConnection" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment. Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections (e.g. multiple conduit segments can terminate at a box). Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments to which it connects.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type FuseType
A fuse is a disposable, one time use OCPD lacking any disconnect means.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#FuseType_FuseClass
Type extension of OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , FuseClass{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, FuseClass, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:complexType name="FuseType">
    <xs:documentation>A fuse is a disposable, one time use OCPD lacking any disconnect means.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FuseClass" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>This describes the form factor of the fuse body.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType
Over current protection device (commonly called "OCPD"). Fuses and circuit breakers are OCPDs. 
Note that this type does not extend EquipmentDefinition nor EquipmentInstance.  It is not a piece of equipment, but rather a component within a piece of equipment.  It is not necessary to include a mfr and model in most cases; knowing the type and rating is required.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber
abstract: true
Used by
Complex Types CircuitBreakerType, FuseType
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:complexType name="OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType" abstract="true">
    <xs:documentation>Over current protection device (commonly called "OCPD"). Fuses and circuit breakers are OCPDs. Note that this type does not extend EquipmentDefinition nor EquipmentInstance. It is not a piece of equipment, but rather a component within a piece of equipment. It is not necessary to include a mfr and model in most cases; knowing the type and rating is required.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="CurrentRating" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>The maximum rating in amps at which the OCPD is rated for operation.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="AcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Maximum AC voltage at which the OCPD is rated for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer">
        <xs:documentation>Maximum DC voltage (if any) at which the OCPD is rated for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Manufacturer" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Optional name of the manufacturer. May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ModelNumber" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Optional manufacturer model number. May be helpful to know if replacing the current with something compatible, example.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type CircuitBreakerType
A circuit breaker is a re-usable OCPD which can also act as a disconnecting means.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_CurrentRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_Manufacturer CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType_ModelNumber CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_DisconnectInterruptRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#CircuitBreakerType_IncludesGFPDevice
Type extension of OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model CurrentRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , Manufacturer{0,1} , ModelNumber{0,1} , DisconnectInterruptRating{0,1} , IncludesGFPDevice{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, CurrentRating, DcVoltageRating, DisconnectInterruptRating, IncludesGFPDevice, Manufacturer, ModelNumber
<xs:complexType name="CircuitBreakerType">
    <xs:documentation>A circuit breaker is a re-usable OCPD which can also act as a disconnecting means.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="OverCurrentProtectionDeviceType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DisconnectInterruptRating" type="xs:integer" maxOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>Circuit breakers have disconnect interrupt ratings in Amps. Typical ratings include: 5000, 10000, 23000, 42000. Typically if rating is not listed on a breaker, it is 5000.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IncludesGFPDevice" type="xs:boolean" maxOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>Commercial only. Does the OCPD include a Ground Fault Protection (GFP) device?</xs:documentation>
Simple Type SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType
When an interconnection is made on an electrical panel with a breaker separating the supply side and load side of the panel, these list the two sides.
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration supply-side
enumeration load-side
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="SideOfPanelOcpdWhereConnectedEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>When an interconnection is made on an electrical panel with a breaker separating the supply side and load side of the panel, these list the two sides.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="supply-side"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="load-side"/>
Complex Type EquipmentGroundingConductorType
Describes the equipment grounding conductor (EGC).  It is paired with a CircuitConnection.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_Egc CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcSize CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcJacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_EgcJacketColor CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#EquipmentGroundingConductorType_GroundingNotes
Used by
Model Egc{0,1} , EgcSize , EgcJacket{0,1} , EgcJacketColor{0,1} , GroundingNotes{0,1}
Children Egc, EgcJacket, EgcJacketColor, EgcSize, GroundingNotes
<xs:complexType name="EquipmentGroundingConductorType">
    <xs:documentation>Describes the equipment grounding conductor (EGC). It is paired with a CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Egc" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType"/>
    <xs:element name="EgcSize" type="ConductorSizeEnumType"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EgcJacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType"/>
    <xs:element default="green" minOccurs="0" name="EgcJacketColor" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GroundingNotes" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Use to describe details on connection methods between grounding conductor and equipment.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type GroundingElectrodeConductorType
The conductor that serves as the main ground path for either an AC or DC system.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Material CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Size CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_Jacket CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#GroundingElectrodeConductorType_GroundingElectrode
abstract: false
Used by
Model Material , Size , Jacket , GroundingElectrode{0,1}
Children GroundingElectrode, Jacket, Material, Size
<xs:complexType abstract="false" name="GroundingElectrodeConductorType">
    <xs:documentation>The conductor that serves as the main ground path for either an AC or DC system.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element default="Solid Cu" name="Material" type="ConductorMaterialEnumType"/>
    <xs:element name="Size" type="ConductorSizeEnumType"/>
    <xs:element default="bare" name="Jacket" type="ConductorJacketEnumType">
        <xs:documentation>Should be "bare."</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GroundingElectrode" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Grounding electrode is typically a ground rod or U-fer. This element should include the grounding electrode's size. For example "3/4 in ground rod."</xs:documentation>
Complex Type ElectricalPanelDefinitionType
A description of an electrical distribution device. Typically also known as "load centers" that house multiple circuit breakers.  A switch can also be modeled.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ElectricalPanelDefinitionType_RatedCurrent
Type extension of EquipmentDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1} , RatedCurrent
Children Depth, Description, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, RatedCurrent, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalPanelDefinitionType">
    <xs:documentation>A description of an electrical distribution device. Typically also known as "load centers" that house multiple circuit breakers. A switch can also be modeled.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentDefinitionType">
        <xs:element name="RatedCurrent" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
            <xs:documentation>Rating of the bus, in Amps.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type JunctionBoxDefinitionType
A definition for a piece of electrical equipment used to join pieces of conduit together or to act as a location for making splices. In the model, specific instances of junction boxes are modeled as WirewayBoxes. Note that a JunctionBox may not combine any circuits, a separate DcCombiner element is defined for that purpose in PvSystems.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType
Type extension of EquipmentDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1}
Children Depth, Description, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="JunctionBoxDefinitionType">
    <xs:documentation>A definition for a piece of electrical equipment used to join pieces of conduit together or to act as a location for making splices. In the model, specific instances of junction boxes are modeled as WirewayBoxes. Note that a JunctionBox may not combine any circuits, a separate DcCombiner element is defined for that purpose in PvSystems.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentDefinitionType"/>
Complex Type DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType
A definition for a piece of equipment that can disconnect a CircuitConnection.  In the model, specific instances of Disconnect switches are modeled as WirewayBoxes.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_DiscoRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_AcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_DcVoltageRating CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_SwitchContact CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_Duty CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_VisibleLock CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_Fusible CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType_Fuse
Type extension of EquipmentDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1} , DiscoRating , AcVoltageRating{0,1} , DcVoltageRating{0,1} , SwitchContact{0,1} , Duty{0,1} , VisibleLock{0,1} , Fusible{0,1} , Fuse{0,1}
Children AcVoltageRating, DcVoltageRating, Depth, Description, DiscoRating, Duty, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Fuse, Fusible, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, SwitchContact, VisibleLock, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="DisconnectSwitchDefinitionType">
    <xs:documentation>A definition for a piece of equipment that can disconnect a CircuitConnection. In the model, specific instances of Disconnect switches are modeled as WirewayBoxes.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentDefinitionType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="1" name="DiscoRating" type="xs:integer">
            <xs:documentation>Rating in amps for disconnecting an AC or DC circuit.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DcVoltageRating" type="xs:integer"/>
        <xs:element name="SwitchContact" minOccurs="0" type="SwitchContactActionEnumType">
            <xs:documentation>The terms pole and throw are also used to describe switch contact variations. The number of "poles" is the number of separate circuits which are controlled by a switch. For example, a "2-pole" switch has two separate identical sets of contacts controlled by the same knob. The number of "throws" is the number of separate positions that the switch can adopt. A single-throw switch has one pair of contacts that can either be closed or open. A double-throw switch has a contact that can be connected to either of two other contacts, a triple-throw has a contact which can be connected to one of three other contacts, etc</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Duty" type="SwitchDutyEnumType"/>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VisibleLock" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>Does the switch have a visible locking mechnism?</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fusible" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>Do the switch circuits include fuses?</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Fuse" type="FuseType">
            <xs:documentation>If the switch includes fuses, this describes the fuses.</xs:documentation>
Simple Type SwitchContactActionEnumType
Variations of switch contact operation.
- SPST = single pole, single throw
- DPST = double pole, single throw
- 3PST = triple pole, single throw
- SPDT = single pole, double throw (aka "changover switch")
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration SPST
enumeration DPST
enumeration 3PST
enumeration SPDT
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="SwitchContactActionEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Variations of switch contact operation. - SPST = single pole, single throw - DPST = double pole, single throw - 3PST = triple pole, single throw - SPDT = single pole, double throw (aka "changover switch")</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="SPST"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="DPST"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="3PST"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="SPDT"/>
Simple Type SwitchDutyEnumType
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration General-Duty
enumeration Heavy-Duty
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="SwitchDutyEnumType">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="General-Duty"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="Heavy-Duty"/>
Complex Type ConduitSegmentType
A ConduitSegment is any continuous section of electrical conduit of a consistent type.
Diagram CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Id CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_EquipmentDefinitionIdRef CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_Name CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_LocationDescription CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType_HighTempExposure CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#WirewaySegmentType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConduitSegmentType_ConduitType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConduitSegmentType_ConduitDiameter CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConduitSegmentType_ConduitLength CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#ConduitSegmentType_SegmentConnection
Type extension of WirewaySegmentType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Model Name{0,1} , LocationDescription{0,1} , HighTempExposure{0,1} , ConduitType{0,1} , ConduitDiameter{0,1} , ConduitLength{0,1} , SegmentConnection{0,2}
Children ConduitDiameter, ConduitLength, ConduitType, HighTempExposure, LocationDescription, Name, SegmentConnection
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
EquipmentDefinitionIdRef xs:IDREF optional
If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example.  A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="ConduitSegmentType">
    <xs:documentation>A ConduitSegment is any continuous section of electrical conduit of a consistent type.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="WirewaySegmentType">
        <xs:element name="ConduitType" type="TypeOfConduitEnumType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <xs:element name="ConduitDiameter" type="ConduitDiameterEnumType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <xs:element name="ConduitLength" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The length in feet of the conduit segment. Values should be rounded up to nearest foot.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="2" name="SegmentConnection" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The ID Ref for another WirewaySegment or Equipment to which the Coduit segment connects. Conduit is a pipe with 2 ends, so it has a maximum of two WirewaySegments or Equipment to which it connects. Boxes can have many WirewaySegment connections.</xs:documentation>
Simple Type TypeOfConduitEnumType
Standard types of electrical conduit.
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration EMT
enumeration PVC
enumeration Rigid
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="TypeOfConduitEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Standard types of electrical conduit.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="EMT"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="PVC"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="Rigid"/>
Simple Type ConduitDiameterEnumType
List of industry standard electrical conduit diameters in inches.
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration 1/2
enumeration 3/4
enumeration 1
enumeration 1 1/4
enumeration 1 1/2
enumeration 2
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="ConduitDiameterEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>List of industry standard electrical conduit diameters in inches.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="1/2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="3/4"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="1"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="1 1/4"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="1 1/2"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="2"/>
Simple Type OverCurrentProtectionDeviceEnumType
Types of over current protection devices
Type restriction of xs:string
enumeration circuit breaker
enumeration fuse
enumeration none
<xs:simpleType name="OverCurrentProtectionDeviceEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>Types of over current protection devices</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="circuit breaker"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="fuse"/>
    <xs:enumeration value="none"/>
Complex Type MeterDefinitionType
A device that records the quantity of energy units consumed by the customer.
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#MeterDefinitionType_Directionality CommonElectrical_xsd.tmp#MeterDefinitionType_MeasurementMechanism
Type extension of EquipmentDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1} , Directionality{0,1} , MeasurementMechanism{0,1}
Children Depth, Description, Directionality, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, MeasurementMechanism, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="MeterDefinitionType">
    <xs:documentation>A device that records the quantity of energy units consumed by the customer.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentDefinitionType">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Directionality" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Is the meter mono or bi-directional?</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MeasurementMechanism" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>What type of measurement mechanism does the meter employ? For example, "current transducer" or "inline electro-mechanical"</xs:documentation>
Complex Type StandAloneMeterSocketDefintionType
Diagram Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Id Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Manufacturer Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ModelNumber Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ProductFamilyName Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Description Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_MountingStyle Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Length Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Width Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Depth Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Weight Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureMaterial Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnclosureNemaRating Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_ListingAgency Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_Warranty Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_EnergyStarRated Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType_WhereManufactured Common_xsd.tmp#EquipmentDefinitionType
Type extension of EquipmentDefinitionType
Type hierarchy
Model Manufacturer , ModelNumber , ProductFamilyName{0,1} , Description{0,1} , MountingStyle{0,1} , Length{0,1} , Width{0,1} , Depth{0,1} , Weight{0,1} , EnclosureMaterial{0,1} , EnclosureNemaRating{0,1} , ListingAgency{0,1} , Warranty{0,1} , EnergyStarRated{0,1} , WhereManufactured{0,1}
Children Depth, Description, EnclosureMaterial, EnclosureNemaRating, EnergyStarRated, Length, ListingAgency, Manufacturer, ModelNumber, MountingStyle, ProductFamilyName, Warranty, Weight, WhereManufactured, Width
QName Type Fixed Default Use Annotation
Id xs:ID required
<xs:complexType name="StandAloneMeterSocketDefintionType">
    <xs:extension base="EquipmentDefinitionType"/>
Attribute WirewaySegmentType / @Id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:ID
use: required
Used by
Complex Type WirewaySegmentType
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
Attribute WirewaySegmentType / @EquipmentDefinitionIdRef
Namespace No namespace
If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example.  A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type WirewaySegmentType
<xs:attribute name="EquipmentDefinitionIdRef" type="xs:IDREF">
    <xs:documentation>If the WirewaySegment is a junction box or disconnect switch, this refers to its EquipmentDefinition. A WirewayBox may be a pass through where multiple ConduitSegments are combined into a single ConduitSegment for example. A disconnect switch box may also be modeled as a WirewayBox, provided that the circuit(s) involved are simply disoconnected and not combined in any way. DO NOT use WirewayBox to represent a combiner, or distribution panel.</xs:documentation>
Attribute ConductorSegmentType / @Id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:ID
use: required
Used by
Complex Type ConductorSegmentType
<xs:attribute name="Id" use="required" type="xs:ID"/>
Attribute CircuitConnectionConductorType / SecondaryConductorSegment / @ConnectsToConductorSegmentId
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:IDREF
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="ConnectsToConductorSegmentId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
Attribute CircuitConnectionConductorType / SecondaryConductorSegment / @WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:IDREF
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="WirewaySegmentWhereConnectedId" type="xs:IDREF" use="required"/>
Attribute CircuitConnectionType / IncludesDisconnect / @WirewayBoxIdRef
Namespace No namespace
Reference to an instance of the DisconnectSwitch modeled generally as a WirewayBox. A disconnect switch can switch more than one CircuitConnection, so it is defined external to the CircuitConnection.
Type xs:IDREF
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="WirewayBoxIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>Reference to an instance of the DisconnectSwitch modeled generally as a WirewayBox. A disconnect switch can switch more than one CircuitConnection, so it is defined external to the CircuitConnection.</xs:documentation>
Attribute CircuitConnectionType / IncludesDisconnect / @ConductorSegmentIdRef
Namespace No namespace
ConductorSegment that contains the disconnect switch.
Type xs:IDREF
use: required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF" use="required">
    <xs:documentation>ConductorSegment that contains the disconnect switch.</xs:documentation>
Attribute CircuitConnectionType / IncludesStandAloneMeter / @ConductorSegmentIdRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="ConductorSegmentIdRef" type="xs:IDREF"/>
Attribute CircuitConnectionType / Ocpd / @EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef
Namespace No namespace
The ID referring to the equipment in which the OCPD is installed.  In most cases, it is the parent Equipment of the CircuitConnection's immediate parent element.  For example, if the CircuitConnection is within a StringInverter element, then the circuit breaker within the ElectricalPanel to which the Inverter connects will most like be the referenced OCPD.
Used by
<xs:attribute name="EquipmentWhereLocatedIdRef">
    <xs:documentation>The ID referring to the equipment in which the OCPD is installed. In most cases, it is the parent Equipment of the CircuitConnection's immediate parent element. For example, if the CircuitConnection is within a StringInverter element, then the circuit breaker within the ElectricalPanel to which the Inverter connects will most like be the referenced OCPD.</xs:documentation>
Attribute CircuitConnectionType / @EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef
Namespace No namespace
In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance.  For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter.  The new electrical panel can be described by an  ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element).

in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element.  That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.
Type xs:IDREF
content: simple
Used by
Complex Type CircuitConnectionType
<xs:attribute name="EquipmentWhereConnectedIdRef" type="xs:IDREF">
    <xs:documentation>In cases where the CircuitConnection element is used within an EquipmentInstance that does not have a parent element to which the CircuitConnection is assumed to connect, a reference ID can be used to associate this CircuitConnection to another EquipmentInstance elsewhere in a document instance. For example, a PvSystem may have an AcPointOfConnection that uses a new ElectricalPanel as an AC combiner for more than one Inverter. The new electrical panel can be described by an ElectricalPanel element in the PvDesign (which in turn refers to an ElectricalPanelDefinition element). in the AcPointOfConnection's EquipmentWhereConnected element. That ElectricPanel's EnergizingCircuitConnection element may reference another ElectricPanel in an instance of the Project's ExistingElectricalHierarchy element.</xs:documentation>